Monday 22 March 2010


There have been many things on my mind lately, and I've been storing them up in the 'to blog about' section of my brain. But of course the thing that trumps them all is: fashion.

Here is my dilemma: I have a 1940s themed party to go to this Saturday. While I know very well what they were, I'm stuck as where to start when wanting to dress myself this way.

Does anyone have any tips on how to adapt current fashions to looks 1940s-esque? Or what to look for in op-shops? Preferably what's available in Australia too.

Thanks in advance for your help :D

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Internship (woo, woo, woo)

I have an internship! I won't say too much because the details aren't finalised yet, but I'm very excited. And it could lead to being:


Just a few small articles, but small steps still add to an entire mile walked. Is that too cheesy? 'Cause that's how I feel.

I've been meaning to write this post since last week, but the news came the day before my birthday, and I've had an assessment hanging over my head.

Along with that news came the little piece of information that if I work hard this year, I could get a scholarship to honours next year! These two tidbits made my day, and were an awesome early birthday present.

So yeah, internship. The chance to be mentored by writerly types, and write a few small articles in the process. I may ask if I can blog about my experience there, it would give me a reason to be more regular with my posting.

And in reply to those who commented on my last post: thankyou :)